One moment I was fine; no one was abusing me or neglecting me, but someone said something or reacted to something I said, and now I feel really uncomfortable.
I just got triggered. (and/or the other person just got triggered)
~Someone said something or did something that touched a wound in me which caused discomfort.
Now I am telling a story in my mind about how I am a victim.
But . . .
There is no one to blame for my feelings.
The other person's behavior is not about me.
I take this situation out of the “bad box” now.
This is an opportunity to love (myself and the other person).
Holy Spirit, help me see this differently.
What am I feeling?
(hurt, afraid, ashamed, angry, frustrated, lonely, sad, guilty, tired, overwhelmed, embarrassed, resentful, vengeful, defensive, irritated, restless, rejected, betrayed, etc.)
What do I need?
(a change of scenery, time alone, a bath, a walk, to talk, to journal, to read, to pray, to create, to listen to music, to play music, to work out, to scream into a pillow, to cry, to be with friends, etc.)
I acknowledge my feelings to myself and give myself what I need.
If there is a boundary needed, I set it.
(whether physical, mental, emotional, sexual, or spiritual)
As I take care of myself, my heart of compassion naturally opens.
I forgive myself and/or the other person for not meeting my expectations of perfection in the moment.
I do what best awakens me to love and brings me joy.