an advent reflection on Matthew 2:10
photo by Aaron Burden on
Love, may we find you within our own hearts!
Dear One,
I am writing to remind you of things you already know. Wise men followed a star over 2,000 years ago to find the Anointed One (Greek), the Messiah (Hebrew), and the Savior (English). When they found the Christ, they were filled with joy.
From what do you need to be rescued today? Is it feelings of unworthiness, despair, doubt, fear, or anger? From what bondage do you need to be freed? Is it addiction, anxiety, depression, or rage? From what condition do you seek deliverance? Is it illness, financial hardship, or oppression? Where are you looking for your Christ?
The wise men travelled a great distance to locate the Star of Joy, but dear one, you need look no further than your own heart. Love within you, the Anointed One and your salvation—Whom Paul of Tarsus, so long ago, called the hope of glory—is always at your disposal.
When you connect to your Source, the path of salvation and liberation is revealed. What obscures your vision is trying to manage things yourself (your pride), the vanity of protecting a self-image, looking to external shoulds and should nots, and relying on strategies of the consumer, dog-eat-dog society to guide you.
Today is the occasion to look within and find the peace which passes understanding. In the Indwelling Christ, there is hope.
Remember, this moment is an opportunity to connect to Love, and therefore, to live into the fullness of who you are.
As always, do what best awakens you to love,
Your Inner Wisdom